[Suggestion] Please add Global Illumination without RT and FRS 3 / DLSS 3 /Vulcan

2 votes

Dear Icarus Team!

Shadows outside caves are still too dark.
Not everyone can run RT /GI without significant drops in FPS!
For example: I run everything as high as possible and get solid 50-70 FPS.
But when I turn on RT, my FPS drop to 20-30 and if I enable Global Illumination, I get 2-3 FPS.
And even if I turn everything else down to low settings, I get only 10 FPS.
And btw. I'm playing with FSR active!!

I'm an environment artist myself, using Cryengine since 2009. Even back then the CE2 had Global Illumination without RT and it die cost no FPS at all! And I am pretty sure that the UE4 can do that as well!
Also there is no eye adaptation at all....and that's also a technique that the CE2 back in the days could do easily.

So I suggest you add normal Global Illumination and eye adaptation that doesn't require Ray Tracing.
And for better performance overall please add FSR 3, DLSS 3 and Vulcan.

Thank you!

Under consideration Performance Suggested by: NeoSephiroth Upvoted: 03 Apr Comments: 0

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