[Suggestion] Allow frame limit below 60fps

5 votes

In some games that I have troubleshooted through getting it to play smoothly, often times it just comes down to limiting the framerate that is being attempted to render.

Here's the thing... I have a very high end rig -- no matter how low I set the graphics quality settings in this game -- I rarely peak over 40 fps. If I set the settings to LOW, lower resolution, turn off every feature... can't break 60fps, it just won't do it.

The small moments of freezing are all related to where I am passing over via location... no matter how many times I walk over the same spot... it stutters. 100% regardless of the graphics settings. Even if I max out to epic everything -- same frame rate...

I almost believe that if I could limit the FPS to 30 or 40, that it would significantly decrease the amount of random stuttering that I encounter.

Under consideration Performance Settings Suggested by: Jesse Stormer Upvoted: 23 Apr Comments: 2

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