[Suggestion] New Food & Creating Recipes

3 votes

New Tech Tree:
- Advanced Dryer (meat/cheese)
- Smoker (meat/cheese)
- Milk Pail --> Milk Machine
- Aquaponics System (fish)
- Rabbit Hutch (rabbit)
- Grinding Mill (fuel or attach mount)
- Canning Station w/ Jars (like Oxite Dissolver with Oxygen Bladders)

New Crops:
- Alien Citrus (lemon/lime replacement)
- Cabbage / Lettuce (for salad)
- Onion
- Black Pepper
- Sugar

New Food & Systems:
- Goat/Sheep Milk -- Produced by goats and sheep
- Goat/Sheep Cheese -- Made from goat milk and cured in Advanced Dryer
- Packaging -- Egg and Milk cartons for selling or storing.
- Churning -- Create dairy goods such as butter, cream, ice cream, cheese, yogurt, etc.[*]Smoking - smoked meat, smoked cheese
- Fermentation -- Craft beer (required for sterilization) and wine (cooking, drinking).

Create Unique Recipes:
- Players can create their own unique recipes by combining ingredients, selecting a recipe icon, and giving their recipe a name.

Under consideration Food Suggested by: LittleBoBleat Upvoted: 17 Jan Comments: 0

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