[Suggestion] Add Animation for repairing items
Repairing items should have an animation and it should take a bit of time. Right now you just click click and repair with very little consequence which means once you get an item you basically own it forever which makes durability a non-issue.
The tooltip should also show what materials are required to repair it. If the design decision is to go with no materials required then at least make it like Valheim where you have to go to a station to repair because right now durability means nothing.
Comments: 1
27 Sep, '21
ZibnewskiI like that resources were added for repairing. But we also need to know what station is needed, for example when I wanted to repair my "Long Bow" it said it cost 1 bone to fix, but it was impossible to repair on foot. I then had to run around trying out the different work stations until I found the right one to repair it in.