[Suggestion] Increase UI Font size
Increase UI Font size please.
it will make the game a little less painful to play :)
Comments: 17
06 Dec, '21
Ignacio Abelenda MergedThe default UI size is rather tiny in my opinion , specially if you play on a high dpi monitor or tv that is not close to you.
I would like an slider to change the size of the user interface, from 1 to like 1,5. Just my suggestion. -
09 Dec, '21
Mantauklet's put this on a slider if you implement this. I don't want the UI to be any bigger... smaller would be my preference
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13 Dec, '21
JinglesJing MergedOption to change the size of the font used on the interface/chat, as it is supremely hard to read anything right now .___.
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15 Dec, '21
Wind with Direction Merged1. High-contrast background for texts.
The HUD currently has white text (e.g. time of day) over *Icarus*. I have to rotate the player camera to a shadowed area to read the HUD. Please provide an option to enable a dark background with very little or no transparency for HUD texts.
(In fact, the way I was taught in school, modern games should have high-contrast text *by default*. Even the visually-not-impaired would like to have an easier time reading the HUD, don't they?)
(Side note: in the desert area, the mission target icon in the (M)ap is a yellow-on-yellow.)
2. Text size.
Preferably, provide GUI scaling. GUI scaling is becoming the industry standard. Yes, it can be difficult to design. If an adaptive layout is impossible, then please make the font size bigger. I have a 4K monitor yet some texts in the tech tree are still difficult to make out. -
18 Dec, '21
AEI need this because I play on a 4k TV from my bed with a wireless mouse/keyboard because I'm disabled and it's really hard to see the font. I often have to lean forward and/or squint; please implement some form of font size increase option, please.
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05 Jan, '22
Xavier Bennett MergedAnyway we could get sizing options for the gui and the mouse size. Playing this on a 4k tv is hard to see the mouse
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01 Feb, '22
Emily Mewens MergedI have terrible eyesight, and struggle considerably when it comes to reading some of the small text the game presents (like the text chat in multiplayer)
Upscaling UI would be incredibly appreciated. -
01 Feb, '22
Emily MewensAs i stated on another similar one. I have terrible eyesight, and this would help considerably in order to read some of the text thats presented.
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02 Feb, '22
Elissa - Producer Admin"UI Upscaling" (suggested by Ignacio Abelenda on 2021-12-06), including upvotes (2) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.
02 Feb, '22
Elissa - Producer Admin"[Visual Accessibility] High-contrast background and bigger/custom font size" (suggested by Wind with Direction on 2021-12-15), including upvotes (3) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
02 Feb, '22
Elissa - Producer Admin"Interface / Chat Text Size Option Slider" (suggested by JinglesJing on 2021-12-13), including upvotes (3) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
15 Aug, '23
A.P. Mergedplease give the ability to change size of game and hud text for people with less then great vision. im unable to enjoy playing due to the writing being so tiny. other games allow a resize. thank you
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21 Aug, '23
Siljin MergedA friend of mine wont play the game because he can't read the text on his screen. This suggestion is very calid and can create a barrier to entry for some.
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28 Jul, '24
Malnaur MergedAnd simply changing the green for the x/y tags for recipe ingredients to a darker shade would be a huge readability improvement. Currently white on bright green is barely legible.
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30 Jul, '24
Elissa - Producer Admin"[Suggestion] Ability to change size of text" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2023-08-15), including upvotes (3) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.
30 Jul, '24
Elissa - Producer Admin"GUI Sizing" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2022-01-05), including upvotes (4) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.
12 Nov, '24
VynHow has this not been fixed?! I was gifted this game recently, but if I had bought it myself I would return it. If the dev's are unwilling to have their game be readable what's the point of buying their DLC's to "support" them when they're not even able to manage the basics. Even solo dev's create games where they have a adjustable UI or Text and even different fonts. To me that shows that those Devs care about their game enough to get their information across, so I'll financially support them. In this game, I can't even read the time of day in the game due to the font size & type, let alone any information in the Field Guide or the Mission Objectives. It's too blocky and not enough spacing between letters to make it easily readable. I can't believe so many people buy this game and just put up with it, it's like they just give up on their own worth. What's the point of making a game, then making everything unreadable?!