[Bug] Zebra don't sound like horses in real life (:
In-game, the zebra make horse whinnies. In real life, they sound very different!
Comments: 9
14 Dec, '21
Clipper SteenHERE'S WHAT THEY SOUND LIKE: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=zebra+sounds+youtube&docid=608014202159577619&mid=A9760F04053E3BE7B724A9760F04053E3BE7B724&view=detail&FORM=VIRE
20 Dec, '21
outerr-spacee Mergedits a small thing, but the zebras sound like horses and thats just not sitting right with me, if you were to youtube how they sound. youll see my point
06 Jan, '22
Chazzhaha yes you are 100% correct. However for the sake of adding in sounds that people could recognize, we decided the 'real' zebra would potentially be a bit confusing to the players. (it was confusing to me when researching what they actually sound like and putting together the sound set). We collectively decided to just go with a horse set.
Thanks for the feedback. -
06 Jan, '22
Chazz Admin MergedYou are completely correct. We took the 'creative' decision to make them sound a little closer to how people may expect them to sound for several reasons. Availability of high quality zebra recordings was a big factor in this, so we didn't have much to work with. Also when we played 'real' zebra sounds to a lot of people they thought it was dogs yelping and all sorts of other things, which was quite confusing. However i'll keep it on our list of future improvements and see if we can get the zebra closer to reality. Until then - I'm gonna claim these are 'space zebra' so they sound... different? ;-)
thanks for the feedback. -
15 Aug, '22
Tom Rattler MergedIt would bring more athmosphere to the desert regions if the zebras also sound like zebras.
They sound like horses, which is not the natural sound of zebras.
I would be happy if this can be adjusted accordingly.
How zebras really sound can be heard in numerous animal documentaries.
Here is an example:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWIrcvr7Hb4 -
15 Aug, '22
Elissa - Producer Admin"Sounds of the zebras sound like horses, not zebras" (suggested by Tom Rattler on 2022-08-15), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
15 Aug, '22
Elissa - Producer Admin"Change the zebra" (suggested by outerr-spacee on 2021-12-20), including upvotes (2) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.
29 Oct, '22
Irritated by lazy excusesNot creative, just lazy. Fix it. A quick trip to a decent zoo and a Parabolic Dish Directional Microphone and you have your own high quality sound.
08 Sep, '24
TotoroIt is not a big thing for me,
but I do appreciate the soundscape of the game.
It has a lot of very nice and variate sounds and I love to just listen to the ambiance.
I think if we are going with the idea of "space zebras" we can as well make them sound natural.
Those who know will appreciate the attention to details, and those who don't - will think "space zebras".