[Suggestion] Complete rework of the spear tree
Imho spear is inferior to bow and knife in its current state. It is hard to target when thrown, and has only a bit of range superiority to knife when melee. It could be changed into a really powerfull deffensive weapon tho. I would split fighting with spears into 3 branches. The first one would be the current melee version, when you thrust with it. This would be pretty useful versus smaller aggressive animals, like wolfs and cougars. The second, new melee option would be the deffensive form, when you prop your weapon and a charging animal, like a bear, buffalo or elephant impales itself on the spear. This could do similar base damage against charging enemies to the thrown damage of the spear, and also be always critical (technically stealth multiplier can't apply). The 3rd branch would be the current thrown spear, but with the use of an atlatl (which could be also in different tiers like bows). Left click: thrust, hold right click: prop, atlatl: ranged weapon w/ spear as ammunition
Comments: 1
25 Aug, '23
Prospector No555I'm afraid the game forces you to go for bow/cbow from the begining, the amount of different bows and cbows that are available for crafting (and at the workshop) provide a versatile gameplay if you pick that as your main combat talent tree. I actually preffer spears because the give a more primitive feeling to the early stages of each mission. However it seems like playing with spears is a stagnant gameplay, you wont go past bone javelins because their cost / break chance doesnt even worth it. You see unlike bows where you invest in the tool once, you can use bone or flint arrows throughout a whole mission perfectly fine but this isn't the case with javelins.
1) - It would be nice if there was a throwing tool implemented (i.e. an Atlatl that becomes more sophisticated in higher tiers) that would make the player focus on crafting a throwing tool rather than ammo for it.
I do believe since Spears fall way behind knives when it comes to dps,
2) - their reach should be a lot longer !!