[BUG] After remove from prospects could not enter any prospects. Error Code 50 & 29
I was affected by the bug mentioned here: https://icarus.featureupvote.com/suggestions/290591/
Then I removed my character from all prospects and wanted to join a new prospect again.
Unfortunately I can't join any prospects anymore. When first loading I get the error 50.
When trying to join that prospect again, I get the error 29.
If I remove that character and try to join a new prospect, I have the same behavior. Basically this character is lost at the moment, which is very very sad
Comments: 1
08 Apr, '22
MP931I managed to fix that error by removing the "AppData\Local\Icarus\Saved\Offline\Loadout\Slot_x.json" file for my character.
I thought about it because Error 50 was complaining about my equipment and that file seems to be related to it.
Anyhow, which is very strange: I compared the old and the new file (which was created after I joined another prospect) and both are identical. So it seems like the recreation of the file fixed my issue.
This still should be investigated by a Dev, I've read similar experiences also in other threads.