[Observation] Multiplayer Performance Megathread
This is a merged thread of other suggestions to improve multiplayer performance. We're constantly working on improving performance and will look into suggestions / feedback regarding specific issues regarding individual aspects of the game, but will be merging general issues into this thread. For dedicated server issues please see the #dedicated-server-beta channel in Discord. As always, the #tech-support channel can help with individual issues https://discord.gg/surviveicarus
Comments: 142
28 Aug, '21
raggi MergedI played two games with random players today, one with a host who on entering the game said "oh i need to turn the graphics down", and one with a player in AUS (I'm in the US). In both cases, worse in the latter, combat was almost unplayable (certainly a bear becomes very difficult, as do Bows). The combat feels like it needs more prediction/interpolation/etc under these conditions, it gets really janky.
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13 Sep, '21
A user MergedFor each friend that joins my hosted prospect, I see a performance impact of roughly 10 fps per player. Single player prospect at a mix of high/medium settings: 65-70 fps. Second player joins: 50-55 fps. Third player joins: 35-40 fps. This makes hosting extremely undesirable, can't imagine what it would be like with the full eight players.
i9 9900k (OC @4.8ghz), 2080Super/latest drivers, 32GB 3200mhz RAM, all current (beta 2) hotfixes, 25mb down/3.5 up internet connection. All EU players. -
26 Sep, '21
AzecTheButcher MergedI'm experiencing the same behavior when hosting. When it's just me, performance is great. After it initially loads them in, I experience the same as the OP of around 10-15+ fps loss per person.
5900x, Asus Strix 3090, 32GB 3600mhz RAM, Game and OS on GEN4 m.2 drives, excellent internet quality. -
05 Dec, '21
Diemosthenes MergedStill the case even with 1.0 released; fires lit by friends (even with player light shadows disabled) drop me down to 5 fps.
06 Dec, '21
Darian Houa Xiong MergedAs a person who is gaming on a decent gaming laptop, the graphics are stunning but at a heavy cost for performance. I made everything as low as possible yet there are still framerate drops due to the shadows and trees being quite pixelated or the mixture of both when noticing shadows on trees/leaves create such a performance drop and quality of the game for lower end users to not have such an enjoyable playthrough because of the quality and performance lower end players get. Having a system where you can turn off anti-aliasing, shadows, and other graphical aspects can create such a better playthrough for those like myself a better walkthrough and performance since right now we live at a crisis for shortages of graphic cards or systems we've had many years now.
07 Dec, '21
Ame MergedArreglad la optimización del jugo. Hay que jugar con los gráficos mínimos y va muy lageado el juego solo, cuándo juegas con más de una persona va peor. Muchos saltos.
Por lo demás está guay. -
08 Dec, '21
David MergedThe fall of FPs. You can be playing at 90/100 FPs and suddenly drop to 20 and make the game unplayable. Failed to buy exotic items. You buy it and it doesn't appear on your equipment.
10 Dec, '21
massoan MergedI have PC parameters: Ryzen 5 1600, GTX 1060 (6gb), 16gb RAM, my parameters are suitable for the minimum requirements of the game, so at the minimum settings I should have a stable 60 fps, but this is not there, why?, And will there be changes in this plan?
11 Dec, '21
Montana Baker MergedThis isn't such a problem but something I found. I run on a 2070 super OC with a Ryzen 7 2700x. I get more FPS running on epic settings than I do medium. I don't know if it is optimization or what.
Does this happen to anyone else. -
11 Dec, '21
Largo MergedAs the title describes, and it gets worse if a blizzards is happening. Also snowing inside a three story stone shelter when a blizzard is happening outside.
12 Dec, '21
PhantomBruv MergedDuring the beta the frames were so much more stable. I did a bunch of testing https://youtu.be/RhG-Ph0XWXU and I was sitting between 100-140 FPS most of the time.
SPECS - i9900k CPU, 3090 GPU with 64GB of RAM
Ever since the launch of the game I get drops down to 25FPS. Would love to know how the optimisations are going to be implemented and why this has happened? -
12 Dec, '21
Karunch MergedI am experiencing similar at times as well. I have a Ryzen 7 5800x, AMD Radeon RX 6800, and 32 GB of RAM. I don't even have my settings turned all the way up, but at times the game drops to a very low amount of frames . I only have a 1080p monitor, so it's need even needing to push 1440p or 4k.
12 Dec, '21
Eddie MergedI have a 3090 as well and I noticed this happens to me after an hour of play for some reason my gpu utilization drops to around 30-40%. I have to restart game after this happens to get High Gpu utilization again. I assumed it could be the fact that I set setting of vram for draw distance to be 12gigs but that shouldnt be the problem in fact should boost performance because your putting assets on the Vram, on top of the fact the 3090 has over 24 gis which should be more then enough. I wrote a thread on this but not sure if devs are gonna see it because not that much upvotes lol. hope they fix.
12 Dec, '21
Vex MergedYou could try reinstalling graphics drivers etc.
24 Dec, '21
Carlos C MergedVery poor performance on multiplayer.
Heavy FPS drops on multiplayer: For each connected player we lose 20 to 30 FPS
FPS degradation hover time on multiplayer: The longer you play the more FPS you lose -
26 Dec, '21
VonNeuman MergedEven when not utilizing the full capabilities of the computer, being a host on prospects have been increasingly devastating to the playability. Tested with different people and setups, both 3060 and 3080, and tweaked graphics settings, you are left with ~15 fps when host, compared to 60+ when not host.
This seems to be something we've encountered the last week. Might be because of patching, or might be because of what missions we play. -
28 Dec, '21
dan himanez MergedThis game needs dedicated servers really bad. If i'm the host is okay but when another player on wifi hosts its a mess.. Not everyone has the same internet speeds. not to mention if i need to leave everyone playing has to run back to base and disconnect/restart
01 Jan, '22
Vendon MergedTotally agree especially when something is burning like trees or structures the fps goes down to like 20. Sometimes when I open the Map the FPS are around 1-3
07 Jan, '22
YuK MergedPlease do not do dedicated servers and just optimize the game.
08 Jan, '22
Kelvin Lutz Mergedi have tested with 3 different people with different pc's and while playing solo we have have 90-100% gpu usage and when somebody joins gpu usage drops to around 30% and causing gpu to stop boosting and giving bad frame drops, only happens to the host all clients run fine.
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10 Jan, '22
Marton MergedHave played Icarus during 6 out of 7 Beta weekends and have logged 200 hours in Icarus since live release and FPS during hosting as SOLO or with other people is just destroying my performance and FPS. Makes the experience not enjoyable at all.
Hosting SOLO 20-30 FPS both frame drops down to 2-7 FPS, Hosting it was "stable" on 15-20FPS
The last mission was going to be that mission where I was staying on the planet for a good amount of time to level up a new character but the issues started very soon after landing and only got worse.
Mission: Spirit Walk: Exploration
PC Spec:
Game installed on a M.2 SSD with a good amount of space left
Intel Core i9-10850K
32 GB 3200MHz RAM
RTX 3080
Ingame setting: DDLS ON and OFF, MEDIUM, HIGH, and Epic. Nothing impacts this in a good way and my NVIDIA overlay on the CPU and GPU performance say I only am utilizing 30-35% on CPU and GPU. So there the game won't event try to run it better.
Please address this type of issue going forwa -
12 Jan, '22
Stormfury MergedI hit 8 fps with 4 players this past weekend. Hadn’t been that bad in beta even with 7 players. Performance has gotten worse with each patch
14 Jan, '22
GaryP MergedPlease give us a dedicated server option.
Game runs great in single player. I play with a friend and I notice some frame drops. Yesterday another friend joined and it was as if I was drunk. Frame rates dropped and the lag was bad at some points. Especially at our base. SSD Hard Drive was pinged).
Neither of my friends reported ANY issues compared to their SP game.
AMD Ryzen 5 1600 Six-Core Processor.
DirectX 12
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 16G RAM
Updated Drivers -
20 Jan, '22
matt MergedThis mirrors some of my observations, lag gets to be the worst when multiple map tiles separate parts of the expedition multiplied by time in mission.
A solid example doing payday extraction 2 of us were in H10/G10 caves while several more of the party were down in M11/L11 area with our base in L10. Lag was pretty bad on a beefy system even as the host.
Ryzen 7 5800x
RTX 3090
32GB ram
1Gps/1Gps net -
21 Jan, '22
Bazz MergedYeah is very bad.... Performance realty degrates, especially on missions that require a lot of travel.
This is quite a problem when the game encourages multiplayer. Single player performance is not good, but is playable, two players lag and FPS drops, 3 or more players the game becomes unplayable.
This happens for me and my friends on very different rigs, RTX3080, GTX1070, GTX1080, etc...
When the FPS drops the GPU is at like 30-40% utilization, and the CPU no more than 20-30% utilization. That seems to indicate that the game cannot use all the computer resources effectively because of unoptimized netcode, I have +90% GPU utilization on the menu, before entering the prospect... -
22 Jan, '22
Peter MergedWe play 5 players and the host maschine just gets slower and slower for each of us connecting but no bottleneck to see on the performance monitoring and fps is redused almost 50% for each user joining no matter who host the game and no matter how good hardware specs the machine has.
Please look into the server issues. The rest of the bugs we live with are more acceptable. This one is the worst!!! -
23 Jan, '22
Wesley MergedSame issue here.
120 FPS when solo. as soon as friend joins (we are on the same local network) FPS is cut by 50% -
25 Jan, '22
Pete MergedI keep getting disconnected on the servers and I get poor frame rates while playing. Sometimes when I start the game I also get a hard freeze on my PC stuck at Loading Geometry.
01 Feb, '22
Shamadconde MergedI also observe that you get the mentioned drop in FPS pr player joining 40-50% (RTX3070/Ryzen 7 5800X).
However what annoys me the most is that, if you chop down a bunch of trees, pick up fibers/sticks etc and mine everything around your base the FPS drops steadily as you remove more items from the area around you. Sure, you are building more/other items in that area. However, my logic fails me when i remove.. lets say 100 trees to build 30 walls (i know the number isnt accurate, but also not important). In theory, you have traded 100 items for 30 items, so it should be a faster render and less data to keep track of. However the oposite happens. Less stuff around your base = less performance. Sure, the game has to render more territory/further distance, but also with less detail as there are fewer items to render. so 50% drop for a player, then addition %`s everytime you remove an amount of items/build new items. Really kills a mission lasting a few days with T4 equipment. -
05 Feb, '22
Xcaliber009 MergedI can mirror most of the comments. Performance in multiplayer is atrocious. How this even passes through the QA team is beyond me considering how heavily the game promotes multiplayer.
07 Feb, '22
Elissa - Producer Admin MergedHey all!
We are continuously working on performance as we develop the game, thanks for all your feedback.
Thanks. -
12 Feb, '22
Paul MergedThank you Elissa. I too am seeing huge frame drops as each friend joins.. It runs in full 4k ultra around 70-80fps, and then drops down to 27 with friends joining... During Fire outbreaks I've seen it drop to 18fps...
intel 9800x
3090 -
20 Feb, '22
George Mergedalso there is big performance hit in game when other people join the host, game lags, flickers, fps drop
27 Feb, '22
ilmeemi MergedSometimes when hosting a prospect (to only one friend), i get only 5 to 10fps, unplayable. With almost lowest graphics settings @1080p, runs from nvme SSD, GTX 1080Ti, i9 9900k, 16gb ram and latest Nvidia drivers.
28 Feb, '22
TaRa MergedSame issues!
I have an i7-8700k, 32gbs ddr4, 2tb nvme in raid 0, ive tried several gpu's, 3060, 3060 ti, 3080. All get terrible performance, -
20 Mar, '22
Kahai MergedI groan every time I'm asked to host a session because I have to deal with the 20-30 fps and they don't. I realize the "simulation" is happening on the host and thus has to relay that to everyone connected but going from 100+ fps solo/beginning of the map before anyone joins to 20 with just 3 extra players is eye-watering awful. This occurs before a single thing has been gathered or built too!
21 Mar, '22
Alpenjoe MergedI really don't understand why the devs do NOT optimize the Game, instead of bringing new features, missions, that we can't play together, because of pure performance. As someone said before: we lose about 20 FPS per player. So with 4-5 friends in game, I have to play with 15 to 40 FPS on a I7 9700k@5Ghz and nvidia 3080. I did it many times, but for now we stopped to play Icarus, because no one will host and play below 60 FPS.
02 Apr, '22
Cable Mergedi have been playing with my buddy and we have huge lag problems or sometimes cant even join the match
08 Apr, '22
Dave MergedEverytime I try and play multiplayer, my friends experience an issue where within 15 minutes, their frames drop and become pixelated no matter what settings we try. We have all gigabit-speed wired connection and have checked for service issues. It’s just this game that has this issue.
08 Apr, '22
Paul MergedIt's not just when you host, either. When I play solo, I get 60fps fine. But with other players, the best I get is 30fps, which drops to 24 when I get close to anyone. Then as low as 15 when 5 of us are close together. During storms or a forest fire, it can hit single digits, easily.
14 Apr, '22
Dave Mergedi agree its very laggy and gerky, there is also bug's for the none hosting players like storm detection not working, dead animals appear in different location and so on.
20 Apr, '22
Brennan Mergedjust wishing for more stable fps and less frame drops i run in DX11 specs (top line OC 3070 i7-10700k 16gb 3600mhz my rtemps and usage are very low for my GPU i peak at about 50% and my temps never go above 60 when playing on epic just curious i have not seen mentions for the game but if this was done it would make the experience much more enjoyable the problem also gets worse the more people there are in a game playing simultaneously. thank you for your time a concerned player for oyur games future :)
24 Apr, '22
Yoshen MergedSo its been about a month since I last played and while my group has always dealt with performance issues during multi-player sessions something has seemed to have changed. Usually the host would experience about a 10 fps drop for every person that joined... Now my fps drops from about 60 in single player to about 15 just from having one person join... then over the course of about 5-10 minutes drops to about 7 fps which is unplayable. I noticed something happening in task manager that doesn't happen with other games... "Windows audio device graph isolation" is using 90-100% of the GPU utilization. Problem goes away when playing alone or when switching to any other game.
Anyone else experiencing something like this? -
07 May, '22
Spencer MergedI have been playing fine, completed a mission, attempted to join a game with a friend, now I can't even select my character without the whole game hanging. I can no longer play at all. Selecting a character in online or offline mode causes the hang. Sometimes it suddenly uses all available RAM on my PC (I have 32GB and it will often show it using 28GB).
14 May, '22
George MergedWhen second player joins mission there is a huge lag for several minutes where you cant even hardly move or do anything. IT has gotten so bad now I just walk away from the game for about 5 minutes until the new player is in and all the updating on the back end is done and the lag goes away.
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16 May, '22
Mike MergedI have an i9, DDR5, M.2, and 3090. I've been running game on ULTRA everything. After last update I have full PC shutdowns. After troubleshooting, it's Icarus. What part, I don't know. Windows event logs show a Kernal-Power 41 Critical Error. Uninstalled/reinstalled. Validated files. Updated every driver in this thing. I don't know what the threshold is, but if I drop down to 60fps cap and Medium everything, it runs fine.
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29 May, '22
Dave MergedOn mission SNOWBLIND: SCAN, in the spot in the picture, client seems to drop frames, causing the host to drop frames, after which their game crashes and every time they try to load back in the game crashes again. - Tried switching hosts - Tried Killing player during the brief moment they are loading into the game - Did not get an opportunity to try and res player DURING the player load time Sent a lot of error reports but don't remember the specific error message. When at character select it would show player in a cave, even though we were out in the open forest when they crashed. Errors were something about an error on the players location.
01 Jun, '22
bori MergedIn the early days of the game's release, there was no difficulty in running it on steam. While updating, the frame fell very much when running Steam at some point. While unable to find a solution to the problem, it was confirmed that the frame was slightly relaxed when running with NVIDIA Geforce Experience. But it's not a very early smooth gaming environment. How do we solve this? Only graphics cards use 1060, and other parts meet the recommended specifications.
12 Jun, '22
Bruno Esteves Mergedindeed...goin from 60 to 30 fps when my friend join in my session
12 Jun, '22
Bruno Esteves Mergeddevs...so the recomended specs is
Core i7-9700 8-Core 3.0GHz or Ryzen 5 3500X 6-Core 3.6GHz
GeForce RTX 3060 Ti or Radeon RX 6700 XT 12GB
VRam 8Gb
Windows 10 64-bit
DirectX 11
...i have all that and my cpu is an Ryzen 5 3600
the performance is poor ..around 40\50fps at medium settings, and the performance gets worse when i play in multiplayer with my friend..
please optimize the game better to get better performance than we have now..
..and i see im not the only one, here isee ppl that have better machines and the performance
is very bad...
this is not a critic , just an observation..
....great work so far, that is a great game and i looked forward to see what comes next, and next month i will buy the supporters edition