[Suggestion] Deep freeze space (more slots) and power consumption adjust

11 votes

I had the impression that the freeze has half the space (slots) than the refrigerator, as the freezer is very expensive and difficult to make and consumes "five times" more energy than the refrigerator, it would make sense for it to have twice as much space and not half,

the suggestion is that the freeze uses the same logic as the larger cabinet, where the refrigerator has the same space as the medium cabinet and the freezer has the same space as the large cabinet

another suggestion is that the fridge only consumes 1.000 (or 1500 at most) of emergy and not 2500 as it is now, it seems very disproportionate for a freezer to consume the same amount as five refrigerators, consuming twice as much seems reasonable after all it should have as much space (or more) ) of space and preserve better, but not five times the consumption.

Under consideration Balance Inventory QOL Suggestion Suggested by: UrbanoAntigo Upvoted: 24 Feb Comments: 4

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