[Suggestion] Material Processor - available to TURN ON/OFF the same way as with Electric Furnace

10 votes

Material Processor - make it available to TURN ON/OFF (Activate/Deactivate) the same way as with Electric Furnace!

Now I have to break/remove connection with Electricity Tool (cable/wire) in my hand, every time I finished my work on this bench. And then re-connect it when I want to use it again. It's because the high consumption of electricity by many devices (higher tier benches).
It is even more ridiculous that there is an ON/OFF switch on the front panel of the Material Processor itself - at least graphical/visual meaning - but there is no possibility to turn it off and on when needed.

Under consideration Inventory QOL Suggestion Suggested by: Fredust_AIR Upvoted: 19 Aug, '23 Comments: 5

Comments: 5