[BUG](Week 100) Styx Openworld Operation Ricochet: Expedition {Expedition: Oasis} no radar N15

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Styx Openworld Operation Ricochet: Expedition {Expedition: Oasis} [SECOND similar error]
PC (Solo), no mods files in the Paks directory are the same, Week 100

Styx N15 (Plateau Wall) in the screenshots there is not even a projection of the ‘mount’ for the radar, there is nowhere to put it {characteristic feature}
This is how it should be (projection visible) 2:37

This error is actually equivalent to the same one with radar. I personally tested Styx Mission Zephyr: Expedition when there was this complaint, but I had a radar projection that was visible from afar.
Radar Snapping issue on Zephyr Expedition

Under consideration Map: Open World Map: Styx Suggested by: MaximT Upvoted: 16 Nov, '23 Comments: 0

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