[Suggestion] Plantable Bulbous Plant for renewable wood + sap

3 votes

Plantable trees is a very popular suggestion here, there seems to be an easy fix for this. In Prometheus in the lava zone there are bulbous plants which when harvested give you wood, fibre, and tree sap (sticks too I think). Simply making this a farmable crop that drops seeds seems like a great idea.

In the late game, tree sap is used for everything (biiiiiiig one now being the scoria and clay building pieces which are brillaint) and you just burn through it, having a renewable source that I can just grow in a greenhouse outside my main base would be fantastic and would stop the constant wood runs either filling my inventory up and running back on a Moa or taking a buffalo out with a cart which is just painful due to the pathing.

Under consideration Farming Suggested by: HallowedArcher Upvoted: 05 Feb Comments: 0

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