Report Bugs, Issues and Suggestions Here!

Welcome to Icarus' Bugs and Suggestions Board!

Please make sure to be CLEAR and CONCISE when providing your feedback on bugs and issues. Feel free to add photos, or links to videos or drives for more information. We will be using google translate to edit any suggestions not in English.

Before you write a new suggestion, try searching a few keywords, and you might find another suggestion that matches yours. We will only be considering suggestions that have a high number of upvotes, and will not be looking at low voted or low detail tickets. Messages on our social medias or discord will not be officially considered. However, our discord contains many experienced prospectors that would be happy to try assist you with an issue before posting here to help us out.

We will try to reflect the status of each ticket as soon as we can.

We cannot promise all bugs will be fixed asap, but we will prioritize which are most pressing, so search for your issue before you post!
If there is a critical bug or issue, we will let you know on our Twitter @SurviveIcarus if we need to make a fix while you are playing.


[Suggestion] Inventory plant clutter fix

Now that seeds don't get the grown by prospector perks to reduce inventory clutter, can we do the same for non-expiring plants like Cocoa, Coffee, Gorse, and Tea? ...
Suggested by: Tai / AcceptableShrimp (30 May, '24) Upvoted: 03 Dec, '24 Comments: 2
Under consideration Farming

[Suggestion] Seeds, when collected, automatically go into farmer satchel

Suggested by: PhoenixEQ (19 Nov, '24) Upvoted: 02 Feb Comments: 2
Under consideration Farming QOL Suggestion

[Suggestion] Change Fertilizer to Remove the Plant Fatigue Debuff

The addition of the Plant Fatigue debuff on crop plots creates the opportunity to change the use of fertilizer--all fertilizers could remove the plant fatigue debuff, ...
Suggested by: Morningate (22 Sep, '23) Upvoted: 04 Oct, '24 Comments: 2
Under consideration Farming

[Bug] Crop Plots display inaccurate growth bar when switching between plots (on-hover information)

Crop Plots display inaccurate growth bar when switching between plots, the on-hover information display. When first looking at a Plot the Growth bar does display the ...
Suggested by: Brian (22 Jul, '24) Upvoted: 31 Jan Comments: 2
Under consideration Farming

[Suggestion] Farm plots can have alternate appearances

Something on the build radial menu-- can have options for farm plot appearance. Raised bed metal, wood, clay pots, etc. Maybe paintable. Just a cosmetic suggestion ...
Suggested by: Alivia (17 Oct, '23) Upvoted: 16 Nov, '23 Comments: 0
Under consideration Farming

[Suggestion] Plantable Bulbous Plant for renewable wood + sap

Plantable trees is a very popular suggestion here, there seems to be an easy fix for this. In Prometheus in the lava zone there are bulbous plants which when ...
Suggested by: HallowedArcher (13 Jan, '24) Upvoted: 07 Nov, '24 Comments: 1
Under consideration Farming

[Suggestion] Automated Agricultural Revolution

The developers have released an outstanding game. The weekly content is top-notch, not always perfect, but always present. I am confident that my idea will be ...
Suggested by: MomBasti (30 Dec, '23) Upvoted: 07 Nov, '24 Comments: 0
Under consideration Farming

[Suggestion] Crop plots should have a spoiling timer

The plants in the crop plot should have a spoiling timer.
Suggested by: Stefan (26 Sep, '23) Upvoted: 08 Oct, '23 Comments: 1
Under consideration Farming

[Bug] Strawberry yield is way, way too high from crop plots

Harvesting a single crop plots worth of strawberries can yield 60+ strawberries, which is vastly, vastly more than any other food item except wheat (which ...
Suggested by: ipsi (06 Sep, '23) Upvoted: 15 Jun, '24 Comments: 1
Under consideration Balance Farming Food

[Suggestion] Rotate through plantables while holding seed pouch

I love the seed pouch update. I feel like I spend a bit of time trying to get the right seed into its pouch and likewise pulling it out to plant a crop. I think it ...
Suggested by: Fronk (10 Dec, '23) Upvoted: 21 Jun, '24 Comments: 0
Under consideration Farming

[Bug] Seed fatigue debuff doesn't reduce yield

Even with the "seed fatigue" debuff (or whatever it's actually called) at +100% or more, I'm still getting the same amount of crops when harvesting. * Iron crop ...
Suggested by: ipsi (06 Sep, '23) Upvoted: 12 Sep, '23 Comments: 4
Under consideration Farming

[Suggestion] Add auto replant functionality to farming

I saw some similar suggestions in the past, but farming appears to have been reworked since without addressing the issue. Right now, every once in a while, ...
Suggested by: Aesirkin (16 Dec, '24) Upvoted: 27 Dec, '24 Comments: 2
Under consideration Farming

[Suggestion] Crop plots that have connections should allow daisy chaining

or share connections when side-by-side. Allow daisy chaining of crop plot electrical/water connections to reduce wiring spam. Or, allow crop plots that are ...
Suggested by: Harl (19 Jan, '24) Upvoted: 02 Aug, '24 Comments: 0
Under consideration Farming

[Observation] Gorse in planters has huge overlap/hitbox

I've noticed that Gorse (no other plants), planted in any planter, will often have a hugely overlapping hitbox that will make it impossible to use/pick up anything ...
Suggested by: Nick (16 Jan, '24) Upvoted: 26 Jan, '24 Comments: 0
Under consideration Farming

[Bug] Seed pouch does not collect seeds from crop plots

Seed pouch does not collect seeds from crop plots. Harvested soy from wooden crop plots and they appear in my inventory not in seed pouch, even though seed pouch ...
Suggested by: Balaur (30 Nov, '23) Upvoted: 13 Feb, '24 Comments: 0
Under consideration Farming

[Suggestion] New Special Fertilizer to remove plant fatigue

A new special Fertilizer that is expensive to craft, or buy from workshop. That will remove the fatigue for one additional round of harvesting with the restriction of ...
Suggested by: Pokey (18 Jan) Upvoted: 24 Jan Comments: 0
Under consideration Farming

[Bug] Crafting from pocket, seed pouch items (seeds) not seen

When crafting items from pocket ... Berry Seed bar and animal feed does not undertand that we have seeds in the seed pouch.
Suggested by: thesanteri100 (03 Mar, '24) Upvoted: 04 Mar, '24 Comments: 0
Under consideration Farming

[Suggestion] Make farming more rewarding

I went straight down the farmer talents when starting this game (Nov 2024), but was disappointed with the scale and necessity. I built a very small farm (compared to ...
Suggested by: Aesirkin (19 Dec, '24) Upvoted: 19 Dec, '24 Comments: 1
Under consideration Farming

[Bug] Coconut trees in Mounds created with Excavator shovel still wither

Description of Excavator shovel indicates the plants will not wither if planted, however I planted some coconut trees in mounts dug with Excavator and they still ...
Suggested by: JohnVerv (23 Jan) Upvoted: 23 Jan Comments: 0
Under consideration Farming

[Suggestion] Farming and Tames Mini Imporovements

Would really like to see the introduction of fertilizer carts or improvements made to the seeding cart. Allowing players to add fertilizers to crops quicker. Load up ...
Suggested by: ProspecterAssassin (04 Oct, '24) Upvoted: 04 Oct, '24 Comments: 0
Under consideration Farming Mounts/Pets

[Bug] Farmers Satchel - Not updating seed count on satchel when in inventory

Farming satchel does not update the seeds count shown on the satchel when seeds are placed into it when it's in the players inventory. Workaround: a forced update ...
Suggested by: Brian (22 Jul, '24) Upvoted: 22 Jul, '24 Comments: 0
Under consideration Farming

[Bug] Glass floor gives the insufficient sunlight modifier to farm plot

When I put a glass floor as a ceiling over a crop plot the crop plot gets the lack of sunlight penalty
Suggested by: George (15 May, '24) Upvoted: 15 May, '24 Comments: 0
Under consideration Farming

[Bug] Iron Crop Plot spawned on a Strange Plant and disappeared from its original location

This is on an OW Prometheus map, playing locally and solo. I was doing a lap of a few biomes getting some strange plants. When I arrived at the G11 Strange Plant I ...
Suggested by: Matt (30 Mar, '24) Upvoted: 30 Mar, '24 Comments: 0
Under consideration Farming