Report Bugs, Issues and Suggestions Here!
Welcome to Icarus' Bugs and Suggestions Board!
Please make sure to be CLEAR and CONCISE when providing your feedback on bugs and issues. Feel free to add photos, or links to videos or drives for more information. We will be using google translate to edit any suggestions not in English.
Before you write a new suggestion, try searching a few keywords, and you might find another suggestion that matches yours. We will only be considering suggestions that have a high number of upvotes, and will not be looking at low voted or low detail tickets. Messages on our social medias or discord will not be officially considered. However, our discord contains many experienced prospectors that would be happy to try assist you with an issue before posting here to help us out.
We will try to reflect the status of each ticket as soon as we can.
We cannot promise all bugs will be fixed asap, but we will prioritize which are most pressing, so search for your issue before you post!
If there is a critical bug or issue, we will let you know on our Twitter @SurviveIcarus if we need to make a fix while you are playing.
Please make sure to be CLEAR and CONCISE when providing your feedback on bugs and issues. Feel free to add photos, or links to videos or drives for more information. We will be using google translate to edit any suggestions not in English.
Before you write a new suggestion, try searching a few keywords, and you might find another suggestion that matches yours. We will only be considering suggestions that have a high number of upvotes, and will not be looking at low voted or low detail tickets. Messages on our social medias or discord will not be officially considered. However, our discord contains many experienced prospectors that would be happy to try assist you with an issue before posting here to help us out.
We will try to reflect the status of each ticket as soon as we can.
We cannot promise all bugs will be fixed asap, but we will prioritize which are most pressing, so search for your issue before you post!
If there is a critical bug or issue, we will let you know on our Twitter @SurviveIcarus if we need to make a fix while you are playing.
[Suggestion] Splitting stacks by number
Maybe adding a slide rail or something to choose how much you want out of the stack. I like grabbing what I need for crafting and not have extra after.
[Suggestion] Mount inventories should also have a sort button
In general, EVERY inventory pane should have a sort button throughout the game. In particular, for this instance, mount inventories must have one. For example, the ...
[Suggestion] Allow movement when inventory and map are open
Useful if you are switching things around while moving (or running) away from something.
[Suggestion] Sort in inventory should put seeds in seed pouches
Sort in inventory should put seeds in seed pouches
[Suggestion] Crafting tables access materials from nearby storage
Crafting tables should be able to pull materials from nearby storage/other crafting tables, minimising the time spent tediously moving resources from one station to ...
[Suggestion] Skinning Bench Automation
Since you can only skin one animal at a time on the skinning/crafting bench, instead of having to put the animal on the bench (or interact with it while it's on your ...
[Suggestion] Ability to refuel your lantern in inventory
The biofuel lantern is pretty good but it makes 0 sense why you need to throw it into the biofuel generator to fuel it up. While holding a lantern in your hands and a ...
[Suggestion] Load out screen sort
Give us the ability to sort our loadout screen and have the game keep how we sorted it. Also, a ctrl click to move items from the loadout inventory to the dropship ...
[Suggestion] Be able to drag storage and benches around your base without emptying them first
It would make reorganizing your base much easier.
[Suggestion] Functionality for Medical satchel on hotbar
Needing to right click open inventory on the medical satchel to then use the items inside doesn't overall improve the functionality, the insta consume is nice, but ...
[Suggestion] Ability to lock slots in inventory to exclude them from sorting, take all and mass move
Locking slots in inventory to exclude them from sorting, take all and mass move would reduce the need for micromanagement.
- keep reserve "stack" and essentials ...
[Suggestion] Electric Composter New Recipes
My suggestion would be to add Sponges and Furs to the Electric Composter, this would increase the Value of the Electric Composter for Long mission runs and OW games. ...
[Suggestion] QoL: Built-in Storage Labels
A way to label storage bins so we know what's in them. The signs are hard to read during the day (or with good lighting in general).
[Suggestion] When container open, hotbar should not be used for inventory
When you have a container open and you click a few stacks of things to go into the box, sometimes the box fills up and without you noticing you might have moved some ...
[Suggestion] Switching Priorities of Crafting Queue
I feel like you should be able to just drag items across the queue and reorder them if you want to craft a new item and get it done without cancelling and recrafting ...
Consumable stack sizes not consistent
I noticed that certain consumables, like vegetables/fruits stack nicely in raw form but once cooked only stack to 10 instead of the regular stack size for the raw ...
Polar Bear Trophies
How come the Polar Bears don't give the materials to make a Trophy? All other trophies seem to work.
[Suggestion] High level workbenches
Higher level workbenches should have increased storage capacity.
[Bug] Animal corpse decay reset
Animal corpse Decay is reset to 100% when picked up.
[Suggestion] Hotkey for consumables
It would be a nice QOL improvement if the "Use" key (default "F") could be used to instantly use the consume action on consumables when hovering over them. ...
[Suggestion] Better Inventory "memory"
It'd be great if my inventory didn't rearrange itself while I'm logged out. I like to put my less used item at the bottom and my rest above. When I log out and back ...
[Suggestion] Repair hotkey function on game screen
it would be nice to have a hotkey to repair while in fights if somehow if weapon is broken.
Larger storage windows that don't scroll
Why does the large cabinet have to scroll when the box doesn't fill the screen? Can't it just be larger so I can see all 40 spots?
Assuming larger containers are the ...
Add a swap option for armor slots
As a player QoL option, please add a swap option for armor pieces to make the whole swapping back and forth of armor pieces much more efficient. Outside of arctic, I ...
[Suggestion] Shift Click in crafting menus to add 10x quantity to crafting queue
When interacting with any crafting station, you can hit max or increase/decrease the crafting quantity by 1, allow shift clicking to increase/decrease the amount to ...
[Suggestion] Craft Using Seeds in the Seed Bag
If you're carrying a seed pouch you shouldn't have to move the seeds back out to your backpack to craft horse/animal food. It should be able to be utilized from the ...
[Suggestion] Hotkey for "Take all" from a corpse/storage box and "Close container" F instead of ESC
I would love to be able to "take all" with a keybind, And maybe also being able to close a container again with "F" instead of "ESC"
[Suggestion] Inventory Placement when Looting Your Body
A great Quality of Life improvement would be to better place things where they belong when we loot our body. At the very least I would love to not have raw or ...
[Suggestion] Favourite or active option in crafting menu
I would like to have the possibility of keeping apart items I'm not interested in anymore so they don't appear in the crafting menu unless you click 'show all' or ...
[Suggestion] Crafting Tabs for different Catagories
Idea.. since our crafting receipes is getting long due to condensing. perhapes tables for the crafting like the personal crafting tables for ...
[Suggestion] Add Rustic Decoration bench recipes to Electric Carpentry bench
Just a change I would like to see. I like how T4 condenses the already crazy amount of benches and I think this would be a good addition in that regard.
[Suggestion] Blueprint requirements; know what you need
Change the tooltips on items that require other things to make or use. The tier 2 oxidizer needs bladders or tanks. Iron tools need iron from the smeltery, etc. ...
[Suggestion] Remove Workbench Focus
Focusing the camera on a Workbench is a beautiful feature but seems to be little more than disorienting and bloat. There's no need to focus on my Herbalism bench, ...
[Suggestion] Allow inventory sort while workbench is open
Allow character inventory sorting while workbench is open
[Suggestion] Add method to stock fish
My favorite spot in Olympus Open World to build my base is F5 but there are no fish. Perhaps there could be a way to transfer fish caught using fish traps and ...
[Bug] Inventory Shuffling with Backpack and Inventory Modules
I'm a pack rat, so I usually bring a backpack and a couple of inventory expansion modules with me when I drop. I like to leave "constant" inventory items (bullets, ...
[Bug] Items reshuffle in Storage Deployables with the `Extra Space` alteration
When re-logging, items inside a storage deployable with increased inventory slots are reshuffled. This does not happen with storage deployables without the `Extra ...
[Suggestion] Make items of the same type be usable by the same hotbar button (no dragging each item)
It is really painful when you craft say multiple wood or stone piles or really anything that doesn't stack to have to drag every single one into the hotbar.
Just ...
[Suggestion] Remember position of items in inventory
When connecting to a prospect, items stored in a player inventory or mount inventory is no longer in the position where they were placed. I.e. having some consumables ...
[Suggestion] Electric switch
A switch that you can put inline with your electrical networks so you can turn a bunch of things off. For example, light switches in a building.
[Suggestion] We need even better/smarter sorting
When I click on sort e.g. by Type, and assume I have several full stack and one that is not full (same items/materials), the order is random for the incomplete stack: ...
[Suggestion] Add a T3 or T4 backpack
Add a second craftable backpack at a higher tier with a attachmanet slot.
[Suggestion] Air conditioner (and probably heater) rework
The air conditioner, heater, and dehumidifier ranges are too small for reasonably sized builds. They shouldn't advertise being for "larger areas". The temperature ...
[Suggestion] Add the option drag recipes directly from the crafting section of the UI to the hotbar
Currently you have craft one of the item, and then drag item to the hotbar. Then you can use that hotkey to craft more. It would save a step if I could just drag to ...
[Suggestion] Change Quick Drop Feature to Hover + key bind
Currently, in order to drop something from your inventory, you need to right click, then press drop. Thus making this an arduous task when attempting to drop a big ...
[Suggestion] Field Guide Search Field to Retain Contents
At character select when using the search field in the field guide making a selection erases the contents of the search field. I think it would be more user friendly ...
[Suggestion] Retain player inventory item positions between reloads
The item positions in the player inventory is not retained between reloads. For example I always put my food items to the last row of my inventory, so that I can find ...
[Suggestion] Workstation Upgrade Slots
Instead of creating an entirely new station to replace the workbench/machining bench, perhaps slots that permit an upgrade system like how the Simpl3 can be done?
[Suggestion] Sort button collects stacks together
Sort button does not combine stacks on all the benches and in inventory. More a QoL, so Hi Louis! youre awesome! #devsareawesomedrinkwater
[Suggestion] Improve Sort Behavior
Crafting: Because all items are consumed within an inventory from top left to bottom right, please improve the Sort function to always place the smallest "short ...