Report Bugs, Issues and Suggestions Here!

Welcome to Icarus' Bugs and Suggestions Board!

Please make sure to be CLEAR and CONCISE when providing your feedback on bugs and issues. Feel free to add photos, or links to videos or drives for more information. We will be using google translate to edit any suggestions not in English.

Before you write a new suggestion, try searching a few keywords, and you might find another suggestion that matches yours. We will only be considering suggestions that have a high number of upvotes, and will not be looking at low voted or low detail tickets. Messages on our social medias or discord will not be officially considered. However, our discord contains many experienced prospectors that would be happy to try assist you with an issue before posting here to help us out.

We will try to reflect the status of each ticket as soon as we can.

We cannot promise all bugs will be fixed asap, but we will prioritize which are most pressing, so search for your issue before you post!
If there is a critical bug or issue, we will let you know on our Twitter @SurviveIcarus if we need to make a fix while you are playing.


[Suggestion] Animal Traps

The addition of small game and larger game animal traps, as well as fish traps, could be a great way to round out the hunting experience. They could also harm players ...
Suggested by: TomTrustworthy (29 Aug, '21) Upvoted: 11 Feb Comments: 50
In Progress AI QOL Suggestion

[Suggestion] Improve creature AI

currently the predators mostly have in incredibly basic, very stupid AI. all enemy behavior is basically aggro and then relentlessly run at and attack until dead or ...
Suggested by: Daniel (24 Apr, '23) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 49
Under consideration AI

[Suggestion] Animals should hide from weather events

It might be cool if wildlife reacted appropriately to the weather, maybe just despawning them or in the case of bears, having them respawn back in the nearest cave ...
Suggested by: Kerivex Dan (12 Sep, '21) Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 29
Under consideration AI

[Bug] Bears able to climb cliff faces

Bears appear to be able to climb up cliff faces by walking on air
Suggested by: Arrowgon (10 Sep, '21) Upvoted: 10 Feb Comments: 82
Known issue AI QOL Suggestion

[Bug] Wolves can attack you from beneath a building if you're inside it

We had a building with supports underneath it and a wolf was able to go under our building and attack us through the floor.
Suggested by: bunz (28 Aug, '21) Upvoted: 30 Jan Comments: 26
Known issue AI

[General Issues] Wildlife Improvements and Immersion

I feel there are far too many animals around. It would feel more real if they were more sparse or avoided the players base camp in general due to noises made by the ...
Suggested by: Dave (10 Sep, '21) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 75
Under consideration AI

[Suggestion] Animals should be able to kill other animals

100% love the game. It would be so cool to see a pack of wolves attack a bear and leave nothing but bones if you dont attack or you can watch and then kill the wolves ...
Suggested by: antwan (11 Dec, '21) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 28
Under consideration AI

[Bug] Prometheus create hitboxes need fixed - Drifter, Viscid, Strikers

Prometheus create hitboxes need fixed - Drifter, Viscid, Strikers Drifter - sometimes it works perfectly, sometimes we can shoot dozens of arrows and/or gun rounds ...
Suggested by: Frog (26 Aug, '23) Upvoted: 14 Dec, '24 Comments: 2
Under consideration AI

[Suggestion] Animal AI needs an upgrade

I know that this is way easier said than done, but there are some weird behaviors currently. Deer walking right up to you then freaking out and running away for no ...
Suggested by: Kyit (14 Sep, '21) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 7
Known issue AI

[Bug] Baby deer or goats are comically fast

The speed at which the deer or goats accelerate and run is way too fast. They should not be this fast. It doesn't look natural even if this is an alien planet. Not ...
Suggested by: Jim (29 Aug, '21) Upvoted: 01 Dec, '24 Comments: 2
Known issue AI

[Suggestion] Reminder's / Aggressive animals at night

Reminder of the approaching night Animals are more hostile at night
Suggested by: Jeesson (09 Dec, '21) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 1
In Progress AI

[Bug] Heavy Wolf Spawn at Entrance of Artic Biome

Wolves need to be adjusted or moved further away from the artic and forest entrance as you can easily farm them from a Rock that you can climb but the wolves can't. ...
Suggested by: Yahmine (14 Sep, '21) Upvoted: 28 Dec, '24 Comments: 61
Under consideration AI Balance

[Suggestion] Slower Bear Respawn Timer

There appears to be no downtime between killing bears and their respawn time. In the recent beta weekend, the bear near the entrance to the desert zone would ...
Suggested by: Anxty (29 Oct, '21) Upvoted: 18 Jan Comments: 16
Under consideration AI Balance

[Suggestion] Scorpions overpowered & seem not to be doing as advertised

Scorpions are supposed to be guarding territory, but that territory is huge, they wander around, have huge aggro range, and their sting is WAY over the top in killing ...
Suggested by: cmopatrick (27 Mar, '22) Upvoted: 27 Sep, '24 Comments: 6
Under consideration AI Balance

[Suggestion] Add Turtles

7 reasons to add turtles to the game 1. you can use the shell as a bowl 2. you can use their shell as a hard hat 3. you can use them as a backpack 4. it adds another ...
Suggested by: Ryan Wise (11 Jan, '22) Upvoted: 13 Jan Comments: 5
Under consideration AI

[Suggestion] Animal spawn points too regular

After being in a drop for more than a few hours it's very easy to see the patterns of animal spawning - would be good to get these a little more randomised and less ...
Suggested by: E (29 Aug, '21) Upvoted: 31 Jan Comments: 3
Under consideration AI

[Bug] Bears hit through constructed walls

Polar bears and bears attacked me (and killed me) through wood walls. I was close to the wall to be honest but that happened twice in the same prospect.
Suggested by: Thomalin (06 Dec, '21) Upvoted: 31 Jan Comments: 15
Under consideration AI

[Bug] Cave worms respawn on rejoining prospect

When rejoining a prospect in progress, when you have a base in a cave, you immediately get attacked by respawned cave worms. This is a big problem since they start ...
Suggested by: Mike (04 Dec, '21) Upvoted: 30 Jan Comments: 17
Under consideration AI

Polar bears need serious nerfing.

Polar bears are way too overpowered, everyone who's played this game knows that. Not only do they have x10 the health of bears, but you also can't 70% of the time ...
Suggested by: Samael (06 Jul, '22) Upvoted: 18 Jan Comments: 12
Known issue AI Balance

[Bug] Mammoth Archytus disappeared when killed

My friend and I tried to finish the mission "Clean Up: Hardcore Elimination" (Hunt an artic Titan) When we finished to hunt the mammoth Archytus, he just disapeared ...
Suggested by: Needed (21 Dec, '21) Upvoted: 26 Mar, '22 Comments: 21
Under consideration AI Missions

[Bug] Stealth bow headshot kills wrong animal.

Have found that when several animals are in sight if I crouch and get a headshot on one, it does the action replay thing (which is very cool), but it often targets ...
Suggested by: Jordan (13 Feb, '23) Upvoted: 16 Sep, '24 Comments: 15
Known issue AI Weapons

[Bug] Cave worms spawn in voxel and immune

Cave worms in G5 and C5 spawn in the voxel in the back wall. They can shoot out of this, but player arrows can't shoot into to kill the worms, leaving the back of the ...
Suggested by: mcailler (11 Dec, '21) Upvoted: 08 Jun, '24 Comments: 28
Known issue AI

[Suggestion] Aliens or wild animals hunting at night

I think aliens or an inteligent enemy wild make it scary fun and add more difficulty to survival, something that hunts you down. Watching another starship coming and ...
Suggested by: Carlos zurita (02 Feb, '23) Upvoted: 31 Jan Comments: 9
In Progress AI

[Suggestion] Skinning corpses in the wild should be MUCH slower to promote carrying a butcher table

skinning corpses in the wild should be MUCH slower than at a butchering table, a butchering table should be able to butcher anything, or be divided into prerequisite ...
Suggested by: Vacant (30 Aug, '21) Upvoted: 06 Feb, '22 Comments: 6
Under consideration AI

[Suggestion] Add ape like creatures

The whole time im playing wishing there was some kind of HOWLER/Chimp monkey watching the prospector from afar on the mountains, eyes glowing, wondering how to ...
Suggested by: Marco (28 Aug, '21) Upvoted: 02 Dec, '24 Comments: 5
In Progress AI

[Suggestion] Wolf Packs (size and rarity)

Another suggestion, was thinking about the wolves in this game and put a bit of thought into how we could improve/change them, my suggestion is that we have bigger ...
Suggested by: RawBloodWally (13 Sep, '21) Upvoted: 21 Oct, '24 Comments: 9
Under consideration AI Balance

[Bug] Killing animal by bow sometimes zooms to and kills the wrong animal

I have found that on rare occasions the bow shot appears to miss and kills a different animal and does the camera zoom effect. At first I thought my shot was ...
Suggested by: DaveSparhawk (29 Aug, '21) Upvoted: 02 Nov, '24 Comments: 5
Known issue AI

[Suggestion] Add Insects

Add insects to the game, for example bees, flies and butterflies. Without those there would be no pollinators to pollinate plants and hence hard to grow stuff. They ...
Suggested by: Vex (11 Nov, '21) Upvoted: 01 Dec, '24 Comments: 8
Under consideration AI

Polar Bears

You can dodge all animals in the game except a polar bear??? These things are way past me and I am easily 10 feet away and they trigger the attack and I take damage ...
Suggested by: Erik Goodwin (31 Jan, '23) Upvoted: 27 Dec, '24 Comments: 0
Under consideration AI Balance

Suggestion: reduce/suppress the spawn rate of Scorpions near landing sites for at least 1 hour...

There was seriously umpteen billion scorpions near landing sites in desert. And it didn't help when my friend rezzed me that spoiled meat automatically located my ...
Suggested by: yana (04 Apr, '22) Upvoted: 18 Jan Comments: 0
Under consideration AI

[Observation] Un-Bearable difficulties -- Polar Bears

There's a slew of issues I'm noticing w/ Polar Bears atm. I'm sure there's more considering how wildly difficult they are even for a party and while some difficulty ...
Suggested by: DrCinnabon (13 Dec, '21) Upvoted: 07 Jul, '23 Comments: 2
Under consideration AI

[Suggestion] Bears should guard caves

It would be great if caves had bears living in them that you would have to kill in order to mine the resource nodes in the cave. This would add a sense of danger and ...
Suggested by: Gerhart (05 Nov, '21) Upvoted: 18 Apr, '22 Comments: 8
Under consideration AI

[Bug] Animal Spawns Slow and then Stop in Multiplayer

When playing solo there are always plenty of animal spawns, but as soon as people join, there are dramatically fewer spawns, and sometimes the animal spawns stop ...
Suggested by: Ben (20 Dec, '21) Upvoted: 21 Oct, '24 Comments: 0
Under consideration AI

[Suggestion] Add in a Sled, and make Wolves tamable

...and once you get 6, you can hitch them to the Sled, and have a multi-person vehicle. It would be especially great if it can have a communal inventory
Suggested by: JS1HUNDRED (11 Oct, '21) Upvoted: 06 Dec, '23 Comments: 10
Under consideration AI

[Suggestion] Hyena vs Wild dog (this is not what a Hyena looks like)

It looks like a wild dog, it sounds like a wild dog (mixed with some of the sounds of a hyena) but that is definitely not a Hyena. I live in South Africa and trust me ...
Suggested by: Lyventer (21 Nov, '21) Upvoted: 03 Dec, '24 Comments: 8
Under consideration AI

[Bug] Wolf and Bear spawn too close to players

Bears and wolf can spawn vary close to a players like 5 -10 mts. This happens in I13 close to alphine bioma.
Suggested by: SnS (11 Sep, '21) Upvoted: 16 Apr, '23 Comments: 8
Under consideration AI

[Suggestion] Add beavers

adding beavers would be nice they could reside around lakes and streams and make dams the devs could also make the beavers have a chance to chew players base made ...
Suggested by: angelfire (01 Aug, '24) Upvoted: 31 Jan Comments: 3
Under consideration AI

[Bug] Vapor Condensor stuck

Hi devs, I found these two topics related to this issue, but I confess that since they're pretty old, maybe this glitch isn't under consideration anymore. ...
Suggested by: Mundus (02 Sep, '24) Upvoted: 04 Nov, '24 Comments: 9
Under consideration AI Missions

[Bug] Zebra don't sound like horses in real life (:

In-game, the zebra make horse whinnies. In real life, they sound very different!
Suggested by: Elaani (12 Dec, '21) Upvoted: 14 Jul, '24 Comments: 9
Under consideration AI Audio

[Bug] Fix Animals Attacking You, when CLEARLY out of their attack range

I understand a shield was added to probably help with this. But I still find myself dodging in fights against bears. It's quicker, and I like the speedy movement. ...
Suggested by: Tyler (30 Aug, '23) Upvoted: 31 Jan Comments: 1
Under consideration AI

[suggestion] More World bosses

Make more variety of world bosses like a mutated polar bear, land shark (could be rare) & black jaguar, Could be any predator animal that was mutated with aggression ...
Suggested by: Ewen (01 Mar, '23) Upvoted: 03 Feb Comments: 0
Planned AI

[Bug] Omphalos: Expedition, Komodo Immediate Spawn and Player-Sighting on Normal mode Too High

I'm sure you've seen the requests to squash the bug that makes Komodo Dragons respawn infinitely, but the bug goes further in that I had these inifinite Komodos hunt ...
Suggested by: Birdman_D (24 Nov, '22) Upvoted: 03 Feb Comments: 5
Under consideration AI

[Suggestion] Fletched arrows / Birds

It would be great to see some more variety in terms of animals. Birds are my go to suggestion as they would add great ambience. Needing feathers for higher tier ...
Suggested by: HoppityHares (27 Sep, '21) Upvoted: 31 Jan Comments: 5
Planned AI

[Suggestion] Bring Bear Cubs as a tameable pet

I have only seen bear cubs on that one mission in Olympus. The journal entry for Bear states " They also produce offspring at a much higher rate." yet none of them ...
Suggested by: Bobby (05 Jul, '24) Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 3
Under consideration AI

[Suggestion] Add Stamina for Animals

I can outrun most if not, all animals... but they have infinite stamina. Would be nice if hostile enemies would have stamina too. Maybe we could connect it to their ...
Suggested by: Irdemae (22 Jun, '23) Upvoted: 26 Aug, '23 Comments: 3
Under consideration AI QOL Suggestion

[Bug] Bear damaging player after successful dodge

After a bear charges, the bear melees. Even after successfully dodging, it damages the player behind the bear.
Suggested by: Grumpy Grizzly (27 Sep, '21) Upvoted: 21 Oct, '24 Comments: 1
Under consideration AI

[Suggestion] Animal eyes should light up at night (10m/30ft radius) when player uses a light source

Animals within 10 m of the player should have their eyes light up when using the torch/light source. Allows for night hunting, like IRL.
Suggested by: N.A.T. (24 Sep, '21) Upvoted: 31 Jan Comments: 1
Under consideration AI

predators need improvement

Predators in general are way too aggressive and too common. For someone who has strolled around woods (in which both bears and wolves are known to exist) I have yet ...
Suggested by: L (23 Feb, '22) Upvoted: 31 Jan Comments: 1
Under consideration AI

[Bug] Dracs on Prometheus wonder within the creature deterrent area

Hi, I have discovered another bug on Prometheus, I have surrounded my base with plenty of powered creature deterrents, however the Dracs are occasionally still ...
Suggested by: Alex (25 Apr, '24) Upvoted: 16 Nov, '24 Comments: 0
Under consideration AI

Over powdered scorpions

the scorpions in the desert are too OP. They can spot the player from twice the distance of other predators, there are always three of them and they take forever to ...
Suggested by: Sam (08 Apr, '22) Upvoted: 24 Aug, '24 Comments: 0
Under consideration AI Balance